
Use Of Technology In The Legal Industry

By CRA | March 13, 2020
The recent and continuous advancements in technology are constantly transforming the ways most industries function, and the legal industry is no different. Like all other markets, the legal sector is subjected to external forces and is often re-shaped by the fluctuations in supportive technology. Let’s talk about how the impact of technology innovation in the legal sector is leading toward...

Acquisitions Allow Vendors to Compete with Global ESI providers

By CRA | March 14, 2019
Electronic discovery, also known as e-discovery, is any process where electronic data is used in a civil or criminal legal case. The data may be investigated, searched and secured with the idea of using it as evidence. This has allowed for great advances in the legal industry, as digital data is much easier to work with than hard copies are. In addition, digital information is nearly impossible...

Your Law Firm’s Guide to Implementing Change

By CRA | February 14, 2019
The business landscape is in constant flux with technology as a major driver. A segment of this is often overlooked: law firms. In addition to the dense and confusing work of law, technology and law are not synonymous due to significant security and confidentiality challenges. But with cost savings a top priority and disrupting business, law firms need to implement change to survive and thrive....

How Law Firms Harness The Power of Social Media To Gain Clients

By CRA | September 19, 2017
Social media isn’t just for brands. People go to social for news, recommendations and to educate themselves. If your law firm is using traditional advertising, it’s time to reconsider. Here’s how social can help your firm gain clients. Social Media Works For Law Firms Despite the fact that social media works, few law firms have leveraged its power. Here’s why social works and an easy way to build...

Is Your Law Firm Compliant With The 2017 ABA Email Guidelines?

By CRA | September 12, 2017
For an attorney email security is vital to both your reputation and your career. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility has updated its stance on electronic communication. Here’s what you need to know. Attorney Email Expectations Historically, it has taken time for professional organizations to catch up with technology. Recent worldwide attention...

How to Improve Law Firm Digital Defenses

By CRA | September 06, 2017
Cyberattacks have been on the rise across all industries in recent years. Because law is not thought of as a technology-driven industry, security is often overlooked. In fact, a 2017 study revealed that two-thirds of law firms surveyed had some sort of security breach. On top of that, 77% didn’t have cyber insurance and 53% didn’t have a security breach response plan. Law firms are tempting...

Empowering Attorneys in the Field with Secure File Access

By CRA | August 30, 2017
Even the simplest legal matters require substantial paperwork. Many individuals require access to files during case processing, too. Paralegals, administrative assistants, clerks and other attorneys regularly review and consult documents on behalf of clients. PDFs and other digital formats have simplified life for lawyers, since documents are instantly searchable and shareable. Cloud computing...

5 Ways Cloud Computing Services Help Law Firms

By CRA | August 02, 2016
The typical picture of attorneys working a case involves legal pads, bankers’ boxes full of files, and a lot of pausing to find that case-winning document. But what if legal firms moved to the cloud? What changes would we see? We’d see some massive improvements. Here are 5 ways cloud computing services can help legal firms. Broader Scope In Search It’s a simple fact: written law is one thing,...