There are numerous advantages to shifting your business environment to the cloud. Cloud computing offers cost-effective solutions that increase mobility, maximize scalability and promote collaboration. But what about cloud computing security? Despite concerns that increased accessibility might lead to data vulnerability, cloud computing is on the rise. A recent survey on the state of the cloud and security reported a threefold increase in hybrid cloud adoption in the last year among surveyed organizations. The survey also projects that by the end of 2018, 80% of all IT budgets will be allocated to cloud solutions. This is because cloud security strategies have risen to the challenges cloud accessibility presents. Experts like CRA can tailor your cloud computing solutions to your specific needs, offering affordable, advanced security solutions beyond what you might build in-house.
Security Advantages of Cloud Computing
Business-grade cloud computing features will protect your resources 24/7 with top-of-the-line security measures. In fact, they may keep your business safe in ways you’d hadn’t considered.
Data Security and Encryption
Every point of data accessibility is a possible security concern. Security design for cloud computing environments takes this into consideration, fortifying against both traditional and cloud-specific threats. By tightly controlling data access and continuously monitoring data integrity, the cloud protects your data from theft and corruption. Advanced encryption algorithms further protect the data your business stores on the cloud. Cloud computing providers also house hardware at high security data centers to prevent direct access or physical interference.
User Privacy and Customer Protection
Cloud computing providers implement identity management systems to control all information access. These might include highly-sophisticated systems, such as biometric-based identification systems, depending on the level of security your business needs. These security solutions can keep all personal data secure, protecting user privacy and ensuring all customer information is safe. Such systems heavily encrypt sensitive information, like credit card numbers, passwords and other protected credentials.
Compliance and Legal Protection
Business-grade cloud computing solutions can also ensure that you remain compliant. There are numerous privacy and data protection laws in place which may apply to the information you store. In addition, cloud computing packages should include comprehensive data recovery plans and access records. These are useful for maintaining business continuity and keeping access logs available for security and auditing purposes. Loss or breach of this information can also leave your business vulnerable to litigation.
CRA Designs Cloud Solutions with Security in Mind
Transform your business with CRA’s innovative cloud solutions. We’ll help you maximize accessibility and optimize security at the same time. CRA provides private, public and hybrid cloud solutions and and will transition your business environment seamlessly. Contact us for a free evaluation today.